degenerative joint disease

Degenerative Joint Disease

Degenerative disc/joint disease is not a disease, but a form of arthritis in which natural, age-related wear-and-tear on the joints. This wear and tear of the cartilage in the knees, elbow, shoulder, or hips are called degenerative joint disease. In the spine is called a degenerative disc disease. Physical stress such as trauma (auto accident), repetitive motion, and overuses of joint over time can speed up the process of degenerative disease in the joint.

Chemical stress such as too much sugar intake, alcohol consumption, biochemical damage such as free radicals or low levels of oxygen, and pH can also speed up degeneration.  

When we are born, the discs in our spine are mostly made up of water. As we age, the disc loses water and gets thinner. When the disc starts to dry out, it loses function as a shock absorber causing pain and other problems in our spine.

Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease

Stage 1:

Lose of normal balance or curvature of the spine. Lack of mobility prohibits fluids to pump in and out of the discs. You may feel pain, and stiffness but might experience minor discomfort.

Stage 2:

At this stage, as the degeneration is greater, postural changes are also greater. Individuals will feel stiffness, aches, pains and fatigue as well as the loss of energy and reduced height of disc spaces. Bones will adapt to the forces and load under which it is placed. As a result, bone deformation such as calcium deposits and bone spurs (osteophytes) develop.

Stage 3:

Further posture issues occur at this stage. Further damage to the spine as more severe nerve compression, bone spurs, and osteophytes form and compress nerves and the individual will feel great discomfort and pain that radiates into the arms, hands, hips, legs and feet.


Chiropractic Adjustments to realign and correct spinal column alignment and to prevent further posture changes.

Spinal Decompression therapy is applied to increase spinal disc spaces and create negative intradiscal pressure to promote movement of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the discs to increase healing and slow the degeneration process.

Posture exercise therapy strengthens and conditions the posture muscles of the spinal column to help our body to maintain correct posture against physical stress from our daily activities.

Nutrients such as eating healthy foods promote healthy bones, and drinking water to hydrate discs and our body. Eliminating chemical stress such as sugar and alcohol can also reduce inflammation of our joints.

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Los Angeles, CA 90020

(310) 532 8008